Psych Science in 3

The Call for Proposals closed at 5 p.m. ET, January 14, 2025.

What is Psych Science in 3 (PS-in-3)?

PS-in-3 is a fun, fast-paced competition showcasing emerging talent in psychological science. Up to eight psychology graduate students or recently graduated psychologists (i.e., obtained PhD in 2023 or later) will compete for three monetary prizes by presenting their research in just three minutes. Submit a PS-in-3 proposal to be considered! 

For reference, see the 2024 winners’ presentations.

PS-in-3 Prizes

  • First place: $2,000
  • Second place: $1,000
  • People's Choice Award: $250 

Evaluation Criteria

A selection committee will choose up to eight finalists who will compete in person at APA  2025 for the top three monetary prizes. The presentations will be evaluated on significance, impact, and clarity of research. The presentation should focus on theory-based empirical research; data collection and analysis should be completed. Language used must be appropriate to an educated but non-specialist audience.

PS-in-3 Rules

  • Finalists must present in person at APA 2025.
  • A single static PowerPoint slide is required. No slide transitions, animations or “movement” of any type; the one slide is displayed from the beginning until the end of the presentation.
  • Presentations are limited to three minutes. Competitors exceeding three minutes will be disqualified.
  • Limited electronic media (e.g., audio and video files) are permitted if directly relevant to the project and presentation.
  • No additional persons or props (e.g., costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.
  • Data presented in the competitions should be considered as information likely to enter the public domain.
  • Presentations are to be spoken words (i.e., no poems, raps, songs). 
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced when the emcee states it is time to begin and the slide goes up.
  • The decision of the judges is final.
  • Unfortunately, no financial support is available to fund finalists’ travel or lodging.   

Eligibility Criteria

  • Graduate student finalists must be enrolled in a psychology graduate program at the time of the PS-in-3 competition.
  • Recently graduated early career psychologist finalists must have completed their PhD within the past two years (2023 or later).
The APA Board of Convention Affairs will review PS-in-3 proposals. Notification of acceptance will be sent to finalists on or around April 2025.

Important Information:

ALL presenters and program participants—members, nonmembers, and students—are required to register for APA 2025 and pay the appropriate registration fees. APA 2025 registration will open in April.


Contact the APA Convention Office