APA 2025

CE Workshop 102

Dismantling Ableism: Meeting the Needs of Clients With Cognitive and Physical Disabilities


8:00 AM-3:50 PM



CE Credits 7


In the United States, 1 in 4 adults have a disability, making them the largest minoritized group. Like other historically marginalized communities, this population experiences health disparities, including poorer access to mental health treatment. While subgroups of psychology specialize in serving disability populations, all mental health providers, regardless of clinical setting, will likely care for individuals experiencing disability. This introductory workshop takes a transdiagnostic approach to highlight common needs of individuals living with a disability. The presenters review adaptations to evidence-based psychotherapy to accommodate those needs, so that all mental health providers can competently provide care for this community.


Amy Starosta, PhD, Lindsey Knowles, PhD, Felicia Mata-Greve, PhD, Tracy Herring, PhD, and Jed McGiffin, PhD, University of Washington

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