APA 2025

CE Workshop 307

Beyond Therapist Self-Care: A Culturally Responsive Framework to Address Burnout and Vicarious Trauma


1:00 PM-4:50 PM



CE Credits 4


This introductory workshop introduces a holistic, empirically based framework for therapist flourishing, drawing from systemic and multicultural perspectives, existential positive psychology, and self-of-the-therapist perspectives. Key risk and protective factors are discussed—at individual, relational, and organizational levels—associated with burnout, vicarious traumatization, and well-being. Participants examine the limitations of current professional recommendations around self-care, which can compound isolation, overfunctioning, and “imposter” feelings. Considering their intersectional identities and context, participants are invited to reflect on systemic pressures that may undermine their well-being and to explore strengths and capacities to metabolize stress, navigate complex work dynamics, and promote thriving.


Laura Captari, PhD, and Steven Sandage, PhD, Boston University

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