APA.org.......APA Style.......APA Services.......Divisions
1:00 PM-4:50 PM
CE Credits 4
This introductory workshop introduces a holistic, empirically based framework for therapist flourishing, drawing from systemic and multicultural perspectives, existential positive psychology, and self-of-the-therapist perspectives. Key risk and protective factors are discussed—at individual, relational, and organizational levels—associated with burnout, vicarious traumatization, and well-being. Participants examine the limitations of current professional recommendations around self-care, which can compound isolation, overfunctioning, and “imposter” feelings. Considering their intersectional identities and context, participants are invited to reflect on systemic pressures that may undermine their well-being and to explore strengths and capacities to metabolize stress, navigate complex work dynamics, and promote thriving.
Laura Captari, PhD, and Steven Sandage, PhD, Boston University
American Psychological Association
750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002