APA 2025 will feature four different session types: Critical Conversations, Flash Talks, Skill-Building Sessions, or Symposia. Learn more about each session type below.
For additional division-specific information and program chairperson contact details, click
60 minutes
Critical Conversations are designed to support informed conversations between presenters and audience members. These sessions should begin with one or more brief presentations designed to provide the information needed for the audience to effectively participate in the discussion and include time for audience discussion.
60 minutes
Flash talk sessions feature four to six fast-paced, brief reports on hot topics, with individuals presenting for no more than five minutes each on various research, educational or practice topics. Flash talks should provide an interactive experience for the audience, and organizers should allocate time (e.g., 10 minutes for every three presentations) to support audience engagement. Interactive experiences could include posing questions that require audience participation or organizing the flash talks around a particular theme that offers an opportunity for audience and speaker integration and discussion.
Groups of four to six authors may propose a flash talk on a specific theme. Individual flash talk submissions are not accepted.
60 minutes
Skill-Building sessions offer practical experience to help participants increase their understanding and skills in a particular area of current interest in the field of psychology. Activities and discussions should be woven into the session plan to help attendees truly apply learnings to their work. Session topics might include (but are not limited to) demonstrations of various methodologies, interviews, therapeutic or assessment techniques, statistical methods, or scientific approaches.
60 minutes
Symposia are focused sessions in which multiple speakers present information related to a unifying topic that is viewed as a significant common theme, issue, or question. The presentations generally include a review of data but may also include discussions of contrasting viewpoints or other innovative strategies for engaging the audience. A symposium should include two to three brief presentations of research, practice, or educational content.
A symposium may also include a very brief introduction to the topic by an expert who can set context and offer background for why the session topic is important. This expert could be the symposium chair or an additional speaker. Symposia may also include discussants who have expertise in the topic at hand and can briefly draw a unifying theme across the presentations. Participants should prepare presentations in advance so that the discussant, if there is one, can effectively draw linkages across the presentations. Including a chair or discussant in your symposium is optional.
A symposium is not a paper-reading session. Participants are encouraged to actively engage their audience rather than reading from a paper.
All proposals must be submitted online through the call for proposals platform. The platform closed on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET.
You will need the following information about your session to submit your proposal:
Each session submission requires specific information about the presentations and presenters involved. Please provide the following details based on your session type.
The APA Office of Continuing Education in Psychology sponsors continuing education (CE) credit for selected sessions offered by APA divisions and governance groups at APA 2025.
If you are submitting a Critical Conversation, Skill-Building Session, or Symposium, your session is eligible to be considered for CE credit. Business meetings, committee meetings, flash talks, poster sessions, and social hours are not eligible for CE credit. Learn more about submitting your session for CE credit.
The APA Office of Continuing Education in Psychology sponsors CE credit for selected sessions offered by APA divisions and governance groups at APA 2025.
If you are submitting a Critical Conversation, Skill-Building Session, or Symposium, your session is eligible to be considered for continuing education credit. Business meetings, committee meetings, flash talks, poster sessions, and social hours are not eligible for CE credit.
If you would like to submit your session for CE review, please be sure to review the “APA Standards and Criteria for Approval of Sponsors of Continuing Education for Psychologists” to make sure your session meets the parameters of CE in psychology.
If your session meets the parameters of CE in psychology, select “Yes” to the Consideration for CE Credit question in the program submission form and then complete the following fields:
Note: The Abstract section of the submission for will also be used to review the session for CE.
The CE Session items are included in the APA 2025 program submission form, and must be completed at the time of submission (and by the January 14 deadline). If your session is accepted by the division to which you submitted a proposal, it will be the division program chair’s decision to submit the session for CE review to the APA CE Office.
The CE Office will review each session. Decisions are made by mid-May each year. If your session is approved to offer CE credits, the division program chair will notify you. The number of sessions offering CE credit may be limited due to cost, space considerations, and scheduling of sessions; therefore, not all sessions submitted for CE credit will be approved to offer CE credit.
ALL presenters and program participants—members, nonmembers, and students—are required to register for APA 2025 and pay the appropriate registration fees. APA 2025 registration will open in April.
Contact the APA Convention Office
© 2025 American Psychological Association
750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002
(202) 336-6020