APA Divisions accept session proposals that cover a variety of topics. APA is most interested in submissions that maximize attendee engagement and encourage deeper learning. Learn more about the types of division sessions offered.
APA Divisions encourage poster submissions to share the newest research findings, cutting edge ideas, innovations, and advances in the profession. Learn more about poster presentations at APA.
Psych Science in 3 (PS-in-3) invites current graduate students and psychologists who have recently graduated (i.e., earned their Ph.D. in 2023 or later) to share their research in three short minutes. Educate us—but make it quick! Selection as a PS-in-3 finalist is an accomplishment that can be declared on one’s CV, job applications, grant applications, etc. The first and second place finishers, along with the people’s choice winner earn cash prizes! Prize selection will be made ONLY among presentations made in person during the PS-in-3 session. Consider applying to be part of one of the convention’s most fun and informative sessions! Learn more about PS-in-3.
All division programs will be held exclusively in-person. However, divisions may decide on an individual basis to allow sessions that have up to 25% of the speakers participating remotely.* The remaining 75% of the program’s presenters must be present in Denver, CO. It is advised that presenters contact divisions directly for questions related to the feasibility of virtual participation.
*A remote presentation is a pre-recorded presentation adhering to the same duration requirements as a live presentation. Live streaming is cost prohibitive and can only be considered if a Division or session presenters can fund the cost of streaming themselves. Due to space and technology limitations, we may not be able to accommodate all sessions with virtual presenters. If we are unable to accommodate your session’s request, you would be given the opportunity to replace the virtual speaker(s) or withdraw your proposal.
Yes. We understand that circumstances change, and you may no longer be able to participate in APA 2025. Prior to the submission deadline, you can withdraw your proposal in the online platform. If you would like to withdraw your proposal after the submission deadline or decline your invitation, please email convention@apa.org. Please indicate your intention to withdraw as soon as you learn that participation will not be feasible.
Division Proposals: Contact the relevant Division Program Chairperson or email convention@apa.org.
All Other Questions: Email convention@apa.org.
ALL presenters and program participants—members, nonmembers, and students—are required to register for APA 2025 and pay the appropriate registration fees. APA 2025 registration will open in April. We look forward to seeing you at the convention!
Contact the APA Convention Office
© 2025 American Psychological Association
750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002
(202) 336-6020