APA 2025 and Colorado Convention Center rules, regulations, and policies are implemented for liability reasons, and for the safety and wellbeing of APA 2025 attendees. Violation by an exhibitor of any APA 2025 or Colorado Convention Center rule, regulation, or policy may result in the removal of the exhibitor’s booth from the APA 2025 Solutions Center and/or may negatively impact the exhibitors’ opportunity to participate in the APA 2025 Solutions Center. In instances of a booth removal from the APA 2025 Solutions Center, no refunds will be provided for the exhibit space.
It is understood that the following information is accepted as part of the contract between the American Psychological Association (APA) and those who secure exhibit space in the APA 2025 Solutions Center.
It is agreed that the exhibitor will abide by all APA convention and APA Solutions Center rules, regulations, and policies (hereinafter collectively referred to as Rules or The Rules) before, during, and after APA 2025, and by other reasonable Rules deemed necessary by APA or the Colorado Convention Center provided that The Rules do not materially alter the exhibitor’s contractual rights. All matters and questions not covered by The Rules are at the decision of APA convention management. The Rules may be amended at any time by APA convention management and all amendments so made shall be equally binding upon publication on all parties affected by them, as are the original Rules. The APA 2025 exhibit space application and any agreement incorporated in it shall be governed by the laws of the city of Denver, Colorado.
Exhibitors are expected to plan their APA 2025 participation in accordance with all APA Solutions Center rules, regulations, and policies and with the official dates and hours of the APA 2025 Solutions Center—including exhibitor move-in and move-out (e.g., exhibitor booth personnel, travel dates/times, flight, and hotel reservations, etc.). At no time are APA exhibitors at liberty to adjust any portion of APA 2025 or APA 2025 Solutions Center official hours or rules, regulations, and policies to suit individual schedules or preferences.
In the event of unexpected/unavoidable circumstances, exhibitors must notify Carol Hall, Senior Manager, Event Sales, chall@apa.org, or Jodi Ashcraft, Senior Director, Media and Event Sales, jashcraft@apa.org.
Colorado Convention Center, Halls A, B, and C
700 14th St.
Denver, CO 80202
NOTE: All times are Mountain Time
All APA Solutions Center exhibit displays must provide adequate see-through visibility to neighboring exhibitors. Walls, partitions, signs, decorations, or any other displays may not be erected or positioned in ways that obstruct sight lines to neighboring exhibitors. Tall displays may not be placed in the front of a booth and must be placed within 5’ of the back of the booth.
APA convention policy requires that all booths be staffed by at least one exhibitor representative during all official exhibit dates and hours of the APA 2025 Solutions Center. At no time during official exhibit dates and hours should a booth be unstaffed. Neither APA nor the Colorado Convention Center is responsible for items removed from unstaffed exhibit booths.
At 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Saturday, August 9, 2025, APA will make an announcement to confirm the official close of the APA 2025 Solutions Center. Until that announcement by APA has been made, and for liability reasons, APA exhibitors are strictly prohibited from vacating their exhibit space or dismantling any portion of their exhibit booth, including the packing of materials, removal of items form the exhibit booth, and so forth. Violations of this policy may negatively impact the exhibitors’ participation in the APA 2026 Solutions Center.
NOTE: APA understands that unexpected circumstances may arise. In such instances, exhibitors that are unable to comply with this rule should immediately contact Carol Hall, chall@apa.org or Jodi Ashcraft, jashcraft@apa.org so that other booth dismantling arrangements may be made.
Decisions regarding the acceptability of exhibits will be made in the first instance by the American Psychological Association (APA) Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the APA Board of Convention Affairs (BCA) chair. The APA, acting through its Chief Executive Officer, reserves the right and sole discretion to reject any proposed exhibit for any reason. Prospective APA exhibitors are advised that the acceptability of products and services for display at the APA convention and APA Solutions Center is based on legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations.
Decisions on the acceptability of exhibits are made on an annual and case-by-case basis. Inclusion of an exhibit in a prior APA convention is not determinative of the acceptability for future APA conventions, as acceptability is reviewed annually.
Exhibits must be consistent with the professional nature of the APA convention. Exhibit space is not intended for airing either side of a controversial social, political, or professional issue. APA exhibit space is not intended for the purpose of campaigning for APA president or for any other APA governance office.
The American Professional Agency is the sole authorized and preferred provider of professional liability, student liability, and researcher/academician liability insurance to APA members. As such, no companies or businesses that offer any of these insurance products (or any that are added under the term of American Professional Agency agreement) will be allowed to advertise, exhibit, promote, discuss, or provide information on their products using APA media, venues, and/or events.
APA reserves the right to decline exhibit requests to conduct non-APA surveys inside the APA Solutions Center, the APA convention headquarter hotel and/or supplemental hotels, or any area where an APA event or function is being held during the convention.
APA reserves the right to require exhibitors to edit, amend, or eliminate parts of exhibits that in APA’s opinion are not aligned with APA’s objectives or are otherwise inconsistent with APA policies.
APA exhibitors may not conduct contests, lotteries, raffles, and/or games of chance without obtaining prior approval from the APA Media and Event Sales department.
The exhibition of products or services at APA 2025 is neither an endorsement of an exhibiting organization nor of the products or services on display. APA is not responsible for any claims made by an APA exhibitor. In addition, APA exhibitors may not, without prior APA consent, incorporate in subsequent promotions the fact that a product or service has been exhibited at an APA convention.
The exhibiting of educational programs in the APA Solutions Center is restricted to those schools or other institutions fully accredited by regional or other institutional accrediting associations recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. In addition, for those areas of professional psychology where APA or CPA accreditation is currently provided (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, combined), APA will restrict exhibiting to only APA- and CPA-accredited programs. Programs accredited by either the American Psychological Association or the Canadian Psychological Association must state in their exhibit materials that they are APA- or CPA-accredited and include contact information for the APA or CPA accreditation office.
To be displayed and/or sold in the APA 2025 Solutions Center, the following product types must conform to all federal regulations and policies of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Exhibitors with a product or products in these categories must include with their APA 2025 exhibit space application a copy of the associated FDA approval certificate. Additionally, if the exhibit space application is approved by APA and exhibit space is confirmed then, at all times during official APA 2025 Solutions Center dates and hours, a copy of the FDA approval certificate must be displayed in the exhibitors’ booth and in a manner that is clearly visible to attendees who visit the exhibitors’ booth.
NOTE: The regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provide exacting legal controls over the claims that drug manufacturers may make for their products and require them to state contraindications, hazards, etc. unless “reminder advertising” makes no product claims. Adherence to legal requirements concerning the content of drug advertising is the manufacturer’s responsibility. The disorder or symptom for which a drug or other product is being recommended must be prominently stated in materials to be displayed in the exhibit space, except in reminder advertisements, as provided by the FDA regulations. Materials to be displayed may not in any way suggest the use of medication or other substances for the relief of the tensions or problems of everyday life rather than for the relief of symptoms of illness or disorders. In pharmaceutical advertising copy, the full generic name of each active ingredient shall appear. Pharmaceutical products for which approval by the FDA of a new drug application is a prerequisite for marketing are not eligible for display in the APA Solutions Center until such approval by the FDA has been granted.
The American Psychological Association (APA) endorses equal employment opportunity practices and accepts exhibit space applications only from organizations that are not discriminatory on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, number of dependent children or the ages of the children, physical or mental disability (visible or non-visible), genetic information, status as a protected veteran or any other basis on which discrimination is prohibited by federal or local law.
APA 2025 exhibit space applications must be submitted via the online APA exhibitor portal in accordance with the following schedule:
Prior to 12:00 p.m. ET, January 29, 2025
APA 2025 exhibit space applications are not accepted.
12:00 p.m. ET, January 29, 2025, to 5:00 p.m. ET, February 5, 2025
One-week priority period for APA 2024 exhibitors
APA 2024 exhibitors receive a one-week priority period in which to submit their exhibit space applications via the APA 2024 exhibitor portal. Applications received from APA 2024 exhibitors after 5:00 p.m. ET on February 5, 2025 are not eligible for priority assignment.
February 6, 2025 to July 18, 2025
APA 2025 online exhibit space application portal opens to all prospective exhibitors
All prospective exhibitors may submit APA 2025 exhibit space applications. Applications submitted by prospective first-time exhibitors are subject to review. The review process takes approximately 2-7 business days, depending on the type of product or service to be displayed/promoted. The online application portal closes at 5:00 p.m. ET on July 18, 2025.
After July 18, 2025
Requests for APA 2025 exhibit space—whether received from previous year exhibitors or prospective first-time exhibitors—will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on booth space availability and/or the degree of application review that is necessary.
All APA 2025 exhibit space applications are subject to review and approval as detailed in Acceptance of Exhibits and Exhibit Content. Before a final decision is reached, additional information may be requested/required about the exhibiting company and/or the products/services to be promoted.
Applications received from prospective first-time APA exhibitors are subject to review and approval by the APA convention management team. The review process takes approximately 2-7 business days to complete. Although exhibit space will not be assigned/confirmed until the application has been approved, the application will maintain hold on its assignment order per the date/time that APA received it.
APA 2025 exhibit space applications that have been accepted by APA are processed and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis by the APA Media and Event Sales department on behalf of the Senior Director, Meetings and Events. Priority of space assignment will be based on the date and time that APA receives the application. If multiple applications are received simultaneously then they will be sub-ranked according to the total number of booths/square footage being requested.
Prior to assigning exhibit space, APA reviews and makes every effort to honor exhibitor requests regarding their booth location preferences—including requests to be located near to or far from another exhibiting company. However, such requests are not guaranteed.
In circumstances when none of an exhibitors’ preferred booths are available, APA will contact the exhibitor and provide two business days for the exhibitor to confirm another booth choice. If after the two business days APA has not received a response from the exhibitor, then, to avoid lengthy delays in the APA 2025 booth assignment process, APA will, on behalf of the exhibitor, assign another booth within closest proximity to the original booth preferences noted on the submitted exhibit space application, and will send the exhibitor a confirmation letter detailing the APA-selected booth number and location.
After booth space has been assigned and the confirmation letter has been sent, APA exhibitors may view the Solutions Center floor plan to confirm their neighboring exhibitors. If concerns arise, then exhibitors have the option of relocating to another booth location. In such cases, exhibitors that wish to relocate should submit their request in writing to Carol Hall, Senior Manager, Event Sales, chall@apa.org.
Upon assignment of exhibit space APA exhibitors will receive a confirmation letter and invoice. Payment instructions are provided on the invoice in accordance with the payment schedule noted below.
Applications received by or before March 14, 2025
50% payment is due upon confirmation of assigned exhibit space and receipt of invoice. Remaining balance is due by May 15, 2025.
Applications received after March 15, 2024
100% payment is due upon confirmation of assigned exhibit space and receipt of invoice.
NOTE: APA reserves the right to cancel and return to open inventory booths for which timely payments are not received. To avoid a booth cancellation by APA of APA 2025 exhibit space due to non-payment, exhibitors that are unable to submit payment upon receipt of invoice should immediately notify Carol Hall, Senior Manager, Event Sales, chall@apa.org to request payment accommodations.
APA convention policy requires that all booths be staffed by at least one exhibitor representative during all official exhibit dates and hours of the APA 2025 Solutions Center. At no time during official exhibit dates and hours should a booth be unstaffed. Neither APA nor the Colorado Convention Center is responsible for items removed from unstaffed exhibit booths.
At 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Saturday, August 9, 2025, APA will make an announcement to confirm the official close of the APA 2025 Solutions Center. Until that announcement by APA has been made, and for liability reasons, APA exhibitors are strictly prohibited from vacating their exhibit space or dismantling any portion of their exhibit booth, including the packing of materials, removal of items form the exhibit booth, and so forth. Violations of this policy may negatively impact the exhibitors’ participation in the APA 2026 Solutions Center.
NOTE: APA understands that unexpected circumstances may arise. In such instances, exhibitors that are unable to comply with this rule must contact Carol Hall, Senior Manager, Event Sales,
chall@apa.org, or Jodi Ashcraft, Senior Director, Media and Event Sales,
jashcraft@apa.org, so that other booth dismantling arrangements may be made during hours when the Solutions Center is closed and void of APA 2025 attendees.
Canvassing, soliciting, demonstrating, and/or the distribution of advertising or promotional materials by APA exhibitors is restricted to the APA exhibitors’ booth inside the APA Solutions Center.
At no time during APA 2025 may APA exhibitors canvass, solicit, demonstrate, or distribute advertising or promotional materials in areas of the Colorado Convention Center that are outside of the APA Solutions Center or in hotels that have been contracted for APA 2025, including in hotel meeting rooms or hallways, or other areas. Exhibits, displays, and/or advertising/promotional materials of any kind are not allowed in APA 2025 hotel rooms or hallways unless approved in advance by APA’s Senior Director, Meetings and Events.
APA exhibitors should be considerate of neighboring exhibitors when soliciting attendees to visit their exhibit booth. Aisles in front of the exhibit booths must be kept clear. Enough space must be allocated within each exhibit booth for attendees to browse or watch product demonstrations. Any activity that causes attendees to congregate in the aisle or in adjacent exhibit booths will be curtailed or eliminated.
Upon contracting to exhibit, the APA exhibitor expressly releases the American Psychological Association (APA) or any of its officers, directors, employees, or committee members; the APA Board of Convention Affairs; or the owners, employees or representatives of the Colorado Convention Center (hereinafter collectively referred to as the APA and the Center) from any responsibility or liability for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur to the APA exhibitor or to the exhibitor’s employees or property prior to, during, or subsequent to the period covered by the APA exhibitor’s contract, including, but not limited to, any responsibility for liability for negligently caused injury, loss, or damage; and, further, the APA exhibitor agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the APA and the Center against any and all claims made against the APA and/or the Center by any person and arising out of the APA exhibitor’s acts or omissions. If the APA Solution Center is canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of the American Psychological Association or the Center, then all payments submitted by APA exhibitors for APA 2025 exhibit space will be refunded.
APA exhibitors are not permitted to use the APA logo and/or the APA 2025 logo in any public or private promotional materials. In addition, the Colorado Convention Center logo may not be used in any public or private promotional materials without written consent from the Colorado Convention Center.
APA works to provide an accessible convention for attendees with disabilities and believes that per- sons with disabilities should be given the opportunity to participate and interact to the fullest extent possible. APA exhibitors are encouraged to plan their exhibit space to accommodate persons with disabilities. This entails simple alterations to remove or modify physical barriers and to provide accessible promotional materials. APA exhibitors should set up their displays to allow persons who use wheelchairs or electric scooters to easily access the booth and the materials. This can be done by lowering displays or counters and ensuring that there is ample entrance space in the display area. APA exhibitors should provide order forms or promotional materials in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or computer disk for persons who are blind or with low vision. Additionally, any videos shown should be captioned for persons who are deaf or who are hard-of-hearing.
With the exception of service dogs, animals and pets are not permitted in the Colorado Convention Center (CCC) unless they have been approved by APA and the CCC as part of an exhibit, activity, or legitimate performance.
Inside the Solutions Center, APA will provide general cleaning of aisles, lounges, and public areas. Booth cleaning services are not included in the price of exhibit space. Interior booth cleaning, vacuuming, and trash removal is a chargeable cost to the exhibitor. Booth cleaning personnel will not clean the interior of an exhibit booth without a written order. Exhibitors may arrange for booth cleaning services through Fern Exposition Services. Booths with food and beverage sampling must order porter service.
Sodexo, Live! holds exclusive catering, concession, and liquor privileges at the Colorado Convention Center. Exhibitors are not allowed to bring outside food and beverages for their booth into the Colorado Convention Center.
Exhibitors may order catering through Sodexo, Live! An exhibitor menu and order form will be included in the OneView Exhibitor Portal provided by Fern Exposition Services. Popcorn machines and/or popcorn, peanut roasters, cotton candy machines, or equivalent items are prohibited.
For safety and liability reasons, APA and the Colorado Convention Center do not permit children under the age of 16 to be on the Solutions Center show floor during exhibitor move-in and move-out times. No exceptions will be made.
Exhibitors may hire their own contract labor for booth installation and dismantling (I&D) but must complete an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) form and provide APA and Fern Exposition Services a copy of an insurance certificate. The EAC form is available in the OneView Exhibitor Portal provided by Fern Exposition Services.
All contract personnel will need a valid photo ID to be issued a work badge. Exhibitors who do not hire I&D labor from Fern Exposition Services for booth installation and dismantling may be required to notify APA of the names of their I&D staff. Access for I&D staff must be coordinated through Fern Exposition Services.
ASCAP, BMI, dramatist fees, copyright license fees, patent fees, or any other fee or royalty attached to copyrighted or proprietary material are the responsibility of the APA exhibitor. Neither APA nor the Colorado Convention Center is responsible for any violation of infringement of the rights of any owner or presented material.
Decorations, signs, banners, and similar materials must not be taped, nailed, stapled, or otherwise fastened to ceilings, doors, walls, glass, columns, painted surfaces, fabric, or decorative walls. Damage resulting from the improper and/or unauthorized installation of materials will be directly charged to the exhibitor.
Flammable decorations/items of any type are not permitted. All materials used for decorating, including drapes, curtains, table coverings, skirts, carpet, etc. must be flameproof retardant, or treated with an approved fire-retardant solution. Fire retardancy certificates are required and must always be on site. The Denver Fire Marshal may periodically perform random testing.
The following decorations/items are prohibited in the Colorado Convention Center and/or the APA 2025 Solutions Center:
Exhibitors that fail to comply with any part of the decorations policy are responsible for all costs associated with the cleanup related to the unauthorized use of these or equivalent items.
All property destroyed or damaged by an exhibitor must be replaced in the original condition by the exhibitor or at the exhibitor’s expense. Nothing may be taped, nailed, tacked, or otherwise affixed to ceilings, painted surfaces, fire sprinklers, columns, fabric, or decorative walls.
Electrical equipment must meet applicable National Electrical Codes. All electrical equipment displayed or used must be UL certified, and properly wired and tagged as to type of current, voltage, phase, cycle, and horsepower. Electricians may verify UL certification before providing power to any equipment. The Colorado Convention Center reserves the right to refuse connection to any exhibitor whose equipment is deemed unsafe by Center electrical supervisors.
Use of open clip sockets, latex or lamp cord wire, unapproved duplex or triplex attachment plugs, and Romex cable is prohibited. All 120-volt extension cords must be a 3-wire grounded type.
Utility panels and mechanical equipment rooms may not be blocked. Only Colorado Convention Center staff are authorized to access electrical floor boxes and make electrical connections/disconnections.
Colorado Convention Center escalators and attendee/public elevators must not be blocked or used to transport freight or equipment/exhibit materials. For safety and liability reasons, the appropriate service elevators must be used.
Cancellations of APA 2025 exhibit space must be submitted in writing to Carol Hall, Senior Manager, Event Sales, chall@apa.org. Refunds for APA 2025 exhibit space cancelled by an exhibitor will be made in accordance with the following schedule:
100% refund
50% refund
No refund
Exit doors may not be obstructed, locked, or held open. Nothing may be placed within 15 feet of a means-of-egress doorway. Exit signs may not be obstructed by booths, decorations, or any other objects or hanging materials.
Exhibitors must strictly follow all fire, safety, and Colorado Convention Center regulations. All decorations, drapes, curtains, hangings, items such as carpeting, turf used in the vertical position, combustibles, etc., must be flame retardant. A copy of the Certificate of Flame Resistance for the item must be left in the booth.
All exhibits and/or displays are subject to inspection by the Denver Fire Department. Exhibitors are responsible for the proper and safe construction, materials, and maintenance of their exhibits/displays.
Without exception, the following items are prohibited for display, use, or storage in the APA 2025 Solutions Center:
The allowable floor load is 350 lbs per square foot. Any heavy equipment, water tanks, or displays must be pre-approved by APA. Contact Carol Hall, Senior Manager, Event Sales, chall@apa.org.
The use of foam tape, cellophane tape, duct tape or packing tape is prohibited on any surface in the Colorado Convention Center.
Exhibitors are not permitted to use Colorado Convention Center furniture in their booth, including tables and chairs. All booth furnishings must be ordered through Fern Exposition Services.
Exhibitor giveaways may not include stick-on decals or helium balloons.
Move-in and move-out through the Colorado Convention Center lobbies are strictly limited to hand-carried items. The following are not permitted for use with hand-carried items: loads that require wheeled dollies, carts, hand trucks, and/or hotel bellman’s carts; materials or equipment that require two or more people to carry; and so forth.
The use of wheeled dollies, flatbeds and mechanical equipment is prohibited. Material requiring the use of wheeled or mechanical equipment for movement must be handled by IATSE, Local 7, and delivered to the exhibit floor via the loading docks.
Passenger elevators and escalators at the Colorado Convention Center may not be used for transporting exhibitor equipment/freight.
The Colorado Convention Center cannot accept deliveries for exhibitors. Exhibitors must coordinate their deliveries and freight storage needs with Fern Exposition Services.
The use of hazardous chemicals and materials is strictly prohibited in the APA Solutions Center.
Information regarding APA 2025 hotels will become available in spring 2025. Details will be sent to exhibitors as housing dates and details are confirmed.
Exhibitor Registration and Lead Gen
X-CD Technologies, Inc. is the official contractor for APA 2025 registration. Badges are not mailed in advance. Exhibitors may retrieve their badges onsite at the Exhibitor Registration desk. Details will be sent to exhibitors in spring 2025.
Confirmed APA 2025 exhibitors receive a total of four (4) complimentary registrations per 10’x10’ booth secured. The complimentary exhibitor registrations provide access to all APA 2025 programming except for those with an associated fee, such as CE Workshops. Exhibitors that need more than the four (4) complimentary badges may complete and pay for those registrations (non-member rate) via the exhibitor registration portal when it opens in spring 2025.
SmartCity is the exclusive provider of wired and wireless internet and networking for the Colorado Convention Center. Exhibitors that require internet, Wi-Fi, and/or telecommunications services in their booth may order them from SmartCity via the OneView Exhibitor Portal by Fern Exposition Services.
WiFi will be available in the APA 2025 Solutions Center, but APA cannot guarantee connectivity. Exhibitors that require a reliable internet connection for their exhibit are encouraged to order it through SmartCity.
Except for motorized vehicles driven to transport disabled guests or APA staff, motorized vehicles such as scooters or flatbed carts are not permitted in public areas or meeting rooms. The use of such motorized vehicles is restricted to the Solutions Center and/or the Colorado Convention Center loading dock and must be coordinated with Fern Exposition Services to ensure compliance with all regulations within the convention center.
Objectionable sound devices may not be operated in the APA Solutions Center. Engines or any other type of equipment may be operated only with the consent of APA’s Senior Director, Meetings and Events. APA exhibitors should be considerate of neighboring exhibitors when operating a sound system of any type.
Overhead hanging signs are allowed only for APA exhibitors that have secured an Island Booth configuration and are permitted to a maximum height of 20’ (measuring from the exhibit hall floor to the top of the sign). The maximum dimensions for overhead hanging signs are 10’ wide by 4’ high.
Overhead hanging signs/materials must comply with all fire regulations within the Colorado Convention Center.
Walking is necessary to/from the Colorado Convention Center parking garage. The use of the drop off/pick up area is recommended for guests who are unable to walk far distances. Due to the expansion of the Center, the parking garage capacity has been reduced. Exhibitors may need to seek alternative parking options.
All APA exhibitors, service providers and APA staff members working on or within the vicinity of the show floor during move-in and move-out are required to wear closed-toe footwear and comply with all APA 2025 and Colorado Convention Center health and safety protocols (ref. Operating the Exhibits).
In accordance with Colorado state legislation, smoking is prohibited in all City-owned facilities, including the Colorado Convention Center. Smoking prohibited in all areas of the facility, including parking garages, exit stairwells, and loading areas. This includes vaping, e-cigarettes, or other similar devices.
As a courtesy, APA will provide security for the APA Solutions Center on a 24-hour basis during the entire APA 2025 exhibit period, including move-in and move-out dates. The furnishing of such a service is in no way to be understood or interpreted by exhibitors as a guarantee to them against loss or theft of any kind. Neither the APA nor the Colorado Convention Center is liable for, or carries insurance on, exhibitor property, displays, or fixtures. For this reason, exhibitors are encouraged to carry insurance coverage on their goods, including transit to and from the show location.
After the official opening of the APA 2025 Solutions Center on Thursday, August 7, 2025, no one—including exhibitors—will be allowed to access the APA Solutions Center prior to 7:30am (this excludes the days designated for exhibit installation).
Goods/materials may neither be delivered in advance of the show’s official move-in time nor left after the show’s official move-out time. The Colorado Convention Center does not accept deliveries on behalf of exhibitors. Storage of exhibitor freight/materials must be arranged through Fern Exposition Services.
Repacking material, empty boxes, cardboard, or other combustible storage is prohibited throughout exhibit areas. No flat or empty cardboard boxes can be stored within or behind your booth. Full boxes of brochures and other literature for distribution may be stored underneath a table fronting the booth space.
APA exhibitors may not assign, sublet, or apportion all or any part of the exhibit space allotted to them by APA. Without written consent from APA’s Senior Director, Meeting and Events, materials other than those manufactured or distributed by the confirmed 2025 exhibitor in the regular course of business may not be displayed and/or promoted by the exhibitor or allowed by the exhibitor to be displayed and/or promoted by other persons or firms.
Union jurisdiction information will be detailed in the OneView Exhibitor Portal provided by Fern Exposition Services. Exhibitors should confirm all union regulations with Fern when placing booth orders and making arrangements for their booth display.
All decorating, display, drayage theatrical, rigging, production, audio visual, and commercial presentations as well as all material handling for conventions, trade shows, promotional displays, and consumer shows are performed by the Denver Theatrical Stage Employees Union, IATSE, Local No. 7.
Display and Exhibit Work - Installation, Dismantling and Decorating
Full time employees of an exhibiting firm may install and dismantle their own respective company display*, if such work can be completed in less than sixty minutes and without the use of mechanized tools. Any outside or additional labor required for installation, dismantle or decorating of displays is to be performed by Fern Exposition Services or by any other contractor signatory to the IATSE, Local 7 labor agreement. (*Product display and placement is not included in these work rules and is the exclusive right of full-time employees of an exhibiting firm.)
Show/Job Site Drayage
Exhibitors may handle their own hand-carried materials in and out of the Colorado Convention Center. Any material requiring the use of equipment for delivery, i.e., dollies, forklifts, will be handled by labor through IATSE, Local No. 7. Equipment and labor must be arranged through Fern Exposition Services.
Loading Docks
Loading docks are restricted for use only by Fern Exposition Services for the receipt and delivery of show freight. Loading docks are not available for use by exhibitors for the delivery of booth materials.
The official general services contractor, decorator, and drayage firm for APA 2025 is Fern Exposition Services.
Fern Expo Exhibitor Services: (800) 774-1251, ext. 1
The OneView Exhibitor Portal is provided by Fern Exposition Services and includes all details regarding exhibitor shipments and booth orders. The portal will become available in the spring of 2025.
© 2025 American Psychological Association
750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002
(202) 336-6020